Those who do not work in social media management will seldom understand the challenges digital marketers must undergo to advertise a business effectively. Unfortunately, many people are under the impression that marketing campaigns on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc. are a matter of setting up an advert and paying.
This is not the case, however. There are many factors affecting the success of a social media campaign. Focusing only on Facebook for now, its Ad algorithm is updated on a frequent basis. This, along with changes to Facebook’s Ad policies and changes to its approval process, can frustrate even the most experienced of digital marketers..
As professionals in social media management, we know from experience that these 4 issues commonly occur with Facebook Ads:
Facebook can approve an Ad to run and a few minutes or hours later unapprove it. This could be due to text faults, images which may be offensive to certain people, poor engagement or low Ad quality, to name a few. In other words, Facebook ultimately rejects a previously approved Ad, based on its Ad policies.
Facebook has 24 hours after Ad submission to review Ads but often it can take longer. The best way to avoid the lag is to schedule your campaigns with enough time to be revised in a worst-case scenario. Editing a previously approved Ad can also start the review process all over again which is why it is crucial to get the Ad right the first time, every time. In our experience, Ads previously approved and subsequently revised, can also be rejected entirely upon the revision.
Facebook will often pause an Ad that isn’t performing well or reaching conversion goals without warning. There can be many reasons for this and often it is a case of having to start over from scratch. If you as the Facebook page administrator elect to stop an Ad in order to amend text within the ad copy, the amended Ad is subjected to a secondary review process – secondary reviews are more time-consuming in our experience and therefore text changes during a campaign should be avoided.
Believe it or not, when using images for Ads, Facebook only allows images that don’t exceed a ratio of 20% text to image. This sounds pretty easy but often Facebook will reject Ads that have passed the maximum text-to-image test. There is no text limitation on non-ad images, this only applies where an image is used for an Ad campaign.
These are some of the common obstacles we, as social media management professionals, encounter when running Facebook Ads. The misconception that Facebook Ads are easy to manage and run is not always the case. It is obviously key that your social media team is at the forefront of these developments to ensure that your social media campaigns are successful at all times.
We understand the power of Facebook Advertising and would like to help you market to your desired audience for great results! See our work here and reach out to us if you would like assistance with your Facebook marketing.