Email marketing is not dead, in fact many businesses still rely heavily on email campaigns. Deskbound individuals still open and read their email but the trend of scanning emails instead of opening them is still on the rise. This means you have a tiny window of opportunity to catch the reader’s attention and hold it before your message is deleted or the user elects to unsubscribe to your marketing. It is thanks to this trend that some marketers believe that this type of marketing is dead or actively dying.
The trick is to create amazing and even kick-ass email campaigns with templates that will entice, excite and interest your readers. It’s time to make email marketing sexy again!
When designing the perfect email template, keep the following in mind:
Boring Subject Lines
Impersonal and run-of-the-mill subject lines are a great way to be moved to the bin folder. Personalise your subject line and even use emojis for an extra kick. (Yes, emojis are now the norm in business emails.)
Templates that aren’t responsive for mobile
One of the first considerations of email campaign templates should be how it appears on mobile. In South Africa, Internet users are split 60% mobile, 40% desktop. Because the majority of targeted individuals are opening their emails on their smartphones, if your email doesn’t look nothing short of great, you can rest assured it won’t make it past unread.
ignoring the analytics
Hopefully, you are doing A/B testing with campaigns in order to establish what works for your audience, and what should never be attempted again? If not, you are behind the email marketing curve and need to catch up. Get creative and see which emails do the best – the campaign metrics exist for a reason!
bad email design
Fast loading times, creative designs and bold Call-To-Actions are the name of the game. If your email can’t do this, it isn’t worth sending out.
get to the point
The days of waffling on and explaining things in great detail are behind us. Email campaigns should be smart, snappy and to the point. Forget the frivolous fluff and get down to what matters – the point.
These are only a handful of the email marketing strategies we employ for our clients, which is why you can rely on us for great results! We do email branding too – just to make it even better. Get in touch with us here.